Chef Maezaki


Los Angeles - United States
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Key Skills:Personal Chef & Catering Service
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:Los Angeles
Zip/Postal Code:90012
Company Name:Chef Maezaki
Work Phone:(626) 734-7219

Chef Maezaki is a Mobile Chef Service and travels to your venue or kitchen. We offer Private / Catering chef service and cooking classes in the Los Angeles / Orange County area. From Sushi Omakase Course through A5 Wagyu Beef, you have many choices for your next event. We accommodate all events from Small private events to Big Wedding catering.

Employment History:

Established in 2015 - Chef Maezaki has been working for the restaurants almost 2 decades in Tokyo and Los Angeles. His speciality Sushi and California Fusion Dishes are getting popular among food enthusiasts lately and he finally launched mobile chef service in April 2019.