Ari Ross


Dallas - United States
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Key Skills:voice talent, actor, composer
Country:United States
State / Province:Texas
Zip/Postal Code:75226
Street Address:3221 Commerce St. #205 Dallas, TX 75226
Age Range:41-50
Height Range:5’9” / 175cm
Hair Color:Brown
Artist Contract:Non-Union
Agency:Kim Dawson Agency
Contact Person:Ari Ross
Work Phone:2146601442

Born in LA, may not be a “Baywatch babe” but not bad-looking for my age. My favorite things to work on are our comedy-driven projects as well as man-on-the-street interviews and generally somewhat improvised content.

My main source of income these days has been voiceover – I’m the voice of Who Wants to be a Millionaire? as well as a voice for the National Corvette Museum and the Corvette Assembly Plant Tour.

On-camera is my 1st love and would love the opportunity to jump into your next project!

Skills Summary:

- Improvisation, man on the street, comedic timing, multiple character voices and impressions and just a damn good actor :-)
- I can also ride motorcycles, bicycles, jog of good distance & ride a first-generation Segway (I also own one of those units which I can offer along with myself).

Employment History:

- I started out my on-camera career back as early as the late 1980s. I had a featured role in the movie Tango and Cash with Sylvester Stallone and Kurt Russell.
- I also was featured in a Time Warner cable commercial (in the late-90s).
- I also had a principal role in the movie California Convertible, did numerous appearances (on camera) for the Tonight Show with Jay Leno from about 1997 through 2000. Then 2000 through 2007 I did regular voiceover projects for Jay.

Education & Training:

- NUMEROUS classes over the years for both commercial and on camera principle TV and film.
- The Groundlings improvisation group.


- Tonight Show with Jay Leno: multiple roles and days
- Time warner Cable promo – old-time movie director
- FX Promo – nerdy guy working out in gym talking about how great FX is
- California Convertible (bar patron) - Circa 1998
- Tango and Cash – 1989
- Regular Vlog for YouTube – Dallas Texas 2017
- And a lot of other stuff in between!