Chicago Performing Arts


Chicago - United States
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Key Skills:Performing Arts Academy
Country:United States
State / Province:California
Zip/Postal Code:60604
Street Address:228 South Wabash Ave, Suite 600 Chicago, IL 60604
Company Name:Chicago Performing Arts Academy
Work Phone:(312) 637-3811

The Chicago Performing Arts Academy is dedicated to helping our talent become successful, self-confident young people who become the best they can be, both inside and outside. We develop extremely successful models, actors, singers, and dancers- but we first develop leaders and role models. We ensure quality coaching and facilities for our handpicked talent to fully immerse themselves in. All of our coaches are professional, working Models/Actors/Singers/Dancers to ensure our talent receives the most up-to-date, top-notch instruction. Our talent has been signed to notable agencies such as Wilhelmina, BMG, and Lily’s Talent and has been filmed on the sets of Chicago Fire, Empire, Chicago P.D., Shameless, featured in commercials for major national brands, and much, much more!