David Rosenthal


Los Angeles - United States
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Key Skills:Voice and On-Camera Acting
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:Los Angeles
Zip/Postal Code:90232
Company Name:Online Voiceover Coach
Contact Person:David Rosenthal
Work Phone:415-225-3848

If you’ve ever thought about a possible career in Voice-Over or On-Camera acting, you’ve come to the right place. Learn how to make money in the Voice-Over and commercial business. With the boom in video gaming and multimedia and the multitude of commercials and industrials produced here every year, opportunities are plentiful. But to work in this lucrative and highly competitive industry, you really have to know what you’re doing, and do it better than most. David Rosenthal, one of the nation’s top commercial & voice-over talents, can help you get there. He offers beginning to advanced coaching in the art of Voice and On-Camera Acting. Call for a free consultation, or to ask questions.

Education & Training:

Actor, voiceover talent, director and private coach, David Rosenthal has been teaching voiceover and on-camera acting skills for over 20 years, and has helped many people get their starts or further their careers in the industry. Cast in over 60 national television commercials, including Sprint, Toyota, Pillsbury, Enbrel, Wells Fargo, True Value, & Alka Seltzer. David has also voiced over 65 video and interactive games, and for commercial radio, with over 1000 voiceover credits to his name.