Arsi Nami


Los Angeles - United States
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Key Skills:Singer, songwriter, music therapist, actor and philanthropist
Country:United States
State / Province:Ca
City:Los Angeles
Zip/Postal Code:90405
Street Address:arsi@arsinami.com
Language:Swedish, Farsi/Persian, Dari, Norwegian, English, (F) Spanish, (F) French
Height Range:5’9” / 175cm
Hair Color:Black
Artist Contract:Non-Union

Arsalan Nami (Persian: ارسلان نامی‎) (born May 21, 1984 in Shiraz) better known as Arsi Nami,[1] is a Persian-Swedish singer, songwriter, music therapist, actor and philanthropist living in Los Angeles, California. Credits include music on Fox TV shows Bones (TV series) and The Goodwin Games [2] as well Cannes Film Festival winning film Love is Blind and Crown Prince of Heaven.[3] He was the lead actor and composer in drama shortfilm, Love Is Blind, which won the 2017 Jury Prize at Cannes International Film Festival Entr’2 Marches for sharing disability awareness.[4] His commercial acting credits include giant brands such as Hewlett Packard, Ford Motor Company, Samsung, Disney, NBA, Guitar Center, Los Defensores. Arsi Nami nominated for Best lead male actor in comedy film Villa, a 2017 Official Selection at Premio Tortoreto alla Cultura in Italy, AM Film Festival in Egypt and International Festival of Short Films on Culture & Tourism, India. [5]also one of the lead actors in 2017 European Cinematography Award winning Drama film Camelia as Vincent the painter. His modeling work for brands such as Carriere Menswear, ETON, FriarTux and Canali.
According to MTV.com, he is listed as one of the few award winning multilingual Pop Singers and Music Therapist outside of Iran. He is also known to be the first Iranian to introduce Music Therapy to the Iranian population, where music is used to help increase quality of life for individuals with psychological and physical deficits. He is also being a philanthropist contributing and helping communities in need, such as special needs kids and individuals with disabilities. [6]
His breakthrough came when he participated on Sikta Mot Stjärnorna (Aiming at the Stars), a national talent show program televised on TV4 (Sweden).[7] organized by FremantleMedia (American Idol). After two auditions where 4000 participated, he became one of the 45 to enter the show singing “Hero” (from Enrique Iglesias) live on national television, and winning the second place award.[8]

Awards | Prizes:

AM International Film Festival Egypt - Best Lead Actor Male Nomination - Villa - (Lead Actor/Art Director) 2017
Cannes International Film Festival Entr'2 Marches - Jury Prize Winner - Love is Blind - (Lead Actor/Composer/Art Director) 2017
European Cinematography Award - Winner Best Film - Camelia - (Lead Actor/Poster artist) 2017
We Care Film International Film Festival - New Delhi, India - Best Film Nomination - Love is Blind - (Lead Actor/Composer/Art Director) 2017
Hollywood Screenings Film Festival - Best Film Nomination - Love is Blind - (Lead Actor/Composer/Art Director) 2017
International Film Festival Premio Tortoreto alla Cultura, Italy - Best Film Nomination - Villa - (Lead Actor/Art Director) 2017
IFFC- International Festival of Short films on Culture & Tourism, India - Best Film Nomination - Villa - (Lead Actor/Art Director) 2017
James R. Simpson Merit Scholarship Award for Music Therapy studies (Awarded by President Dianne Harrison at California State University of Northridge) 2014
Royal Swedish Music Academy Scholarship Award (Kungliga Musikaliska Akademien) 2013 [27]
Bayramian Art Scholarship Award 2013
Music For Your Heart Foundation - Certification Appreciation Award 2012 [28]
Nominated as UGT Talent Award Show best lead singer 2010
Pearl M Follmer Memorial Music Scholarship Award 2010
William T L Gertrude V. Powell Memorial Music Scholarship Award 2009
Iranian.com Iranian of the day Award 2008
Simon Trust Music Scholarship Award 2008
Esther Landon Memorial Music Scholarship Award 2007
Aiming at Stars 2nd Place Award (National Television Competition Sweden) 2003