Athena Studios


Emeryville - United States
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Key Skills:Award-winning video production and animation.
Country:United States
State / Province:California
Zip/Postal Code:94608
Company Name:Athena Studios
Contact Person:Jon Peters
Work Phone:800-500-4294 / 510-302-0538

If you are looking to produce your own videos or shoot a feature film, we’re here to help. We have a fully lit green screen stage available for 1/2 day, daily or long-term rental. We can help outfit you with lighting and camera equipment as well. Our crew can also make your corporate communication, television commercial or training program look like a blockbuster with professional filming, compositing, editing, digital effects, and audio. If you want to take it to the web we can help you with that too. Looking for corporate training? We speak your language. Athena Studios has the experience and ability to deliver a finished project that is beautifully produced. We’ll work with you to understand not just what you want to film, but what you ultimately want to accomplish. Our creative ideas and years of experience are here when you want them, to help make your project phenomenal.

Skills Summary:

Jon Peters is founder of Athena Studios, which focuses on stop-motion animation and visual effects. His work as a designer and producer on corporate and commercial productions has won numerous awards for his studio and has been written about in Fortune, Forbes, Adweek, Print and various other publications over the years.

Jon started his career as an industrial designer and professional model-maker and went on to start several award-winning companies in design and technology. He first became interested in stop-motion animation when he saw Willis O'Brien's work on King Kong as a child. It took 45 years for Jon to fully realize his dream to do work in stop-motion, but as Jon says "the best things in life are worth waiting for."

Employment History:

Athena Studios has been producing videos and multimedia projects for over 20 years. Pioneers in online education and development Athena has created numerous award-winning interactive programs and thousands of online videos. We have shot literally thousands of interview style videos. We're eager to share our expertise with you.