Barbizon of Hollywood


Los Angeles - United States
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Key Skills:Hollywood's premier modeling & acting studio
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:Los Angeles
Zip/Postal Code:90017
Street Address:1201 West 5th Street, Suite 400
Company Name:Barbizon of Hollywood
Work Phone:(800) 556-6335

We offer professional training in acting, modeling, singing, dancing, and personal development. For over 75 years, Barbizon coaches have been developing aspiring young actors, models, singers, and dancers through their most critical years as they grow. Barbizon of Hollywood works with parents to educate and prepare young talent to gain a stronger sense of identity, self-confidence, and increased emotional stability, resulting in the power to think ideas through and make the right decisions. With our fundamental approach in training and development, we believe that feeling confident in oneself means speaking with authority, walking with pride, and dressing with style. Admissions Criteria: Admission to Barbizon of Hollywood is a selection process. Each prospective student is evaluated based on confidence, commitment, desire, skill level, and parental support. Evaluation Process: Barbizon’s selection and evaluation process includes a workshop to best prepare prospective students with the tools and skills necessary to achieve a positive experience and outcome. National Talent Directors meet with each family individually to discuss the prospective student’s needs, goals, and what they hope to gain from this opportunity. Prospective students must meet or exceed admissions criteria for acceptance to Barbizon.