Bella Wedding Bridal


Los Angeles - United States
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Key Skills:Bridal gowns
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:Los Angeles
Zip/Postal Code:90004
Street Address:210 N. Western Ave., #101, Los Angeles CA 90004
Company Name:Bella Wedding Bridal
Work Phone:(323) 464-1010

We strive to have outstanding customer service in order to make your experience as wonderful as possible. As we know, this is the most important day in your life! Bella Wedding carries over 250 bridal gowns and endless amounts of bridesmaids, mother of the bride, and accessories from top designers. As a full-service Bridal Salon, we offer alterations, pressing, cleaning, and preservation of your bridal gown. We also offer private viewing of our bridal gowns.

Employment History:

Bella Wedding is Family Owned and Operated since 2004.