Belly Dance By Mariah


Canton - United States
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Key Skills:Welcome to Belly Dance by Mariah
Country:United States
State / Province:Ohio
Zip/Postal Code:44702
Street Address:117 Walnut Ave. NE Suite 214 Canton, OH 44702
Work Phone:(614) 595-9215

Developed in the Middle East thousands of years ago, belly dance, or in the Arabic language (“Raqs sharqi”), is performed by Mariah of Ohio, USA with tremendous joy, passion, and respect for the ancient art form. Her interpretation of one of the oldest social dances in world history is pure entertainment for the entire family. Any festive occasion such as a wedding, birthday, anniversary, corporate event, or community festival brings families and friends together to simply celebrate life. Have a belly dancer at your next event and you will be sure to make it a party everybody will enjoy and remember for years to follow.

Belly Dance by Mariah Studio is now registering students for new beginner, intermediate, and advanced belly dance classes. Lessons are available for ladies and men of all ages and body types! Learn from NE Ohio’s very best Bellydance Instructor and Multi-Award-Winning Performer Mariah. Serving Canton, Akron, Cleveland, and surrounding areas. For nearly 20 years Mariah’s been teaching thousands of students this beautiful art form and wants you to discover the joy of belly dancing too! Please visit the Classes page for enrollment information.