Belly Dancer NYC


New York - United States
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Key Skills:belly dance
Country:United States
State / Province:New York
City:New York
Zip/Postal Code:10001
Company Name:Belly Dancer NYC
Contact Person:Sira
Work Phone:917-209-3056

Hire Belly Dancer NYC for elegant, exciting professional dancers for your next event! Providing top-quality belly dance entertainment services for weddings, birthdays, corporate events, etc.

Skills Summary:

Sira is a highly acclaimed professional dancer, instructor and choreographer based in New York City. She adds passion, joy and elegance to weddings, galas, cultural events and theaters with a natural ability to captivate audiences.

Sira's love of Middle Eastern music and dance is rooted in her Armenian heritage. She was first exposed to belly dance at a young age, sparking a lifelong love for the dance. Since then, her professional training has led to an active career bellydancing throughout New York, the tri-state area and internationally for theatrical shows, private parties as well as high profile events. Her years of experience, dedication to the art of dance and her unique style have earned her the reputation of being one of the most popular belly dancers today.

Sira is available for solo, duet and group performances at weddings, corporate events, birthdays and other celebratory occasions.