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Key Skills:Bellydance school
Country:United States
State / Province:New York
City:New York
Zip/Postal Code:10003
Street Address:440 Studios, 440 Lafayette St, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10003
Company Name:Bellyqueen
Work Phone:917-515-0168

Bellyqueen is a Bellydance school and professional company based in New York City. Bellyqueen was co-founded in 1998 under the artistic direction of Kaeshi Chai. Drawn together by their passion for Near Eastern dance, the artists of Bellyqueen come from a wide range of nationalities and dance backgrounds. By fusing their individual influences, the company creates exciting multicultural performances that utilize traditional elements as a base for modern theatrical performance art that inspires audiences of all backgrounds, genders, and ages. Located in the heart of the East Village in New York City, the Bellyqueen School of Dance offers weekly classes in beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels covering the spectrum of belly dance styles from traditional to fusion. We offer both private and group belly dance instruction and specialize in bachelorette, bridal shower, and birthday party celebrations.

Employment History:

Bellyqueen was co-founded by internationally recognized belly dancers, Kaeshi Chai and Amar Gamal.