Caro Pierotto


Los Angeles - United States
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Key Skills:Brazilian Singer and Songwriter
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:Los Angeles
Zip/Postal Code:90011
Agency:Artist Management
Contact Person:Marian Liebowitz
Work Phone:(619) 988-0751

Caro Pierotto specializes in providing the best smooth soundtrack to your event. She’s always accompanied by LA’s top musicians and her voice and personality will surely set the right vibration to your ambient. Creating a unique sound that blends Bossa Nova and contemporary World Music, ‘Volta ao Mundo’, her first album, released in 2013, made it to the American Grammy’s ballot in 2014 and became a favorite at the prestigious KCRW radio station. With influences ranging from Sade to Sara Tavares, Caro’s presence is felt as soon as she strikes her first note. She has performed in Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil, Indonesia, Portugal and the UK. At the moment Caro is working on her Solo Album, with the Grammy-nominated producer Grecco Buratto, with plans for the first single to be dropped in June 2017. Caro also performs regularly in the LA area and provides Live Music Entertainment for various events, such as Weddings, Anniversaries, Product Launches, and Corporate Events.