Colin Hinton


Brooklyn - United States
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Key Skills:Drummer. Composer. Educator
Country:United States
State / Province:New York
Company Name:Drum and Piano Lessons with Colin Hinton
Contact Person:Colin Hinton

I am available immediately for private lessons in my home in South Park Slope, my studio in Gowanus, or your home. As an educator, I specialize in Classical, Rock, Jazz, Blues, Funk, Hip-Hop, Salsa, and Brazilian styles, as well as North and South Indian Music. I am aware that the abilities and goals of each student vary, which is why I work to tailor a lesson plan structured around each student as an individual. While you will be professionally trained and gather a level of comfort and expertise on either the drumset or piano, you will also be encouraged to have fun and learn what most interests you.

Skills Summary:

Colin initially began piano lessons at age 4. At age 8, he received a drumset. After 10 year of intense classical piano study, Colin decided to pursue percussion as his main instrument. Besides performing, he is an active composer and teacher in NYC. He has privately taught students of all ages and experience levels, as well as group classes at music schools and colleges. He is fluent in all styles of drumming and piano, including; classical, jazz, rock, funk, country, r&b, hip-hop, Afro-Cuban, Brazilian, and South Indian.