Cool Beans Comedy


Pasadena - United States
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Key Skills:Shows, stand-up comedy classes, podcasts, production
Country:United States
State / Province:California
Zip/Postal Code:91106
Street Address:24 N Mentor Ave, Pasadena, CA 91106
Company Name:Cool Beans Comedy
Work Phone:(626) 344-9519

The #1 comedy brand in LA! Shows, Stand Up Comedy Classes, Podcasts, Production, Corporate Team Building Workshops.

Skills Summary:

We've been producing the highest quality comedy classes, shows, and corporate team building workshops since 2009. Our classes and shows are held at the world famous Ice House Comedy Club in Pasadena. Our classes are built on a creative and supportive environment, and are open to any and all skill-levels! Our corporate workshops have been a hit in improving employee morale and interpersonal communication skills. Our most recent client was Warner Bros. Studio Tour Hollywood! Our monthly comedy shows rotate amazing comedic talents to give the audiences a variety and desire to keep coming back. Also, we specialize in private shows, and any event in need of a comedy show. We have produced comedy shows at The Queen Mary in Long Beach for 250 guests, and can tailor a show to any specific need. Cool Beans Comedy is the best branded form of live entertainment. Our motto if fun, prizes, and jelly beans! It's our mission to provide positivity and laughter to all!