David Newton


Los Angeles - United States
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Key Skills:Corporate Event Presenter & Motivational Speaker
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:Los Angeles
Zip/Postal Code:90045
Contact Person:David Newton

Wedding and event DJ & Master Of Ceremonies. Stand-up comedian and auctioneer. Corporate Event Presenter & Motivational Speaker.

Skills Summary:

Whether I am the MC at a gala event or taking on the all important role as wedding DJ and emcee on the biggest day of a couple's life and making sure every guest leaves saying that was the best wedding they have ever been to, I make sure to do it with the care that I would if it were my own event. "I have been active in the event industry for over 10 years and it's safe to say that I have not encountered an emcee and DJ with such class as I do when David Newton is behind the mic. Mr Newton is the perfect addition to an event because he embodies all the qualities of an emcee: class, professionalism and experience, all with an incredibly charming accent. He has the remarkable ability to engage with the entire audience, yet still connect with the individuals simultaneously. He has that rare ability of captivating any audience's attention and holding it with his charismatic personality. I confidently recommend him to my clients." - Hylah White (Event Planner Of The Year 2016 nominee)