Deanna Peden


Phoenix - United States
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Key Skills:Voice Lessons
Country:United States
State / Province:Arizona
Zip/Postal Code:85340
Company Name:DLP Vocal Studio
Contact Person:Deanna Peden
Work Phone:801-557-6693

I was a professional singer for many years and decided to start my own training program. I felt there needed to be more opportunities for quality training both for singers and speakers (presenters). I also started my own music and theatre company and produced full shows. We offer 1-hour, 45-minute, and 30-minute lessons starting at $50. Please call us directly for more information. Deanna Peden currently resides in Litchfield Park, Arizona. She thoroughly enjoys developing new talent (minimum age 13) when they are preparing for auditions, competitions, and scholarships and either struggle with or need to improve their quality of sound (tone), breathing, diction (pronunciation) as well as projection of sound, communication, confidence, and presence to help them compete to get lead roles, get more scholarship for college (money) and place higher in competitions. She also helps refine professional singers and works with adults who like to sing for the sheer joy of it. She helps adults who enjoy singing for personal pleasure and as a hobby to find music that is suitable for their particular voice and helps find ways to perform and get involved with the community if desired. She has a great track record of working with choral singers as well. She helps with the preparation of anything vocal and has spent her entire adult life doing so!

Skills Summary:

Deanna Peden has owned and operated vocal studios all over the United States from coast to coast. She has a degree in vocal performance from The College of Wooster and studied music at the famed New England Conservatory in Boston. As a performer herself, she dedicated her life to helping those who aspire to be the best they can be whether for a career or just for the love of it. She works with singers as well as speakers.