DeAnna’s Style Haus


Los Angeles - United States
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Key Skills:Personal Shopper, IMAGE CONSULTANT
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:Los Angeles
Company Name:DeAnna's Style Haus
Work Phone:310.300.1938

DeAnna’s Style Haus is a petite boutique nestled in Belmont Shore, CA. Specializing in vintage and modern clothing for today’s business superwoman. We primarily cater to women in business as they are most in need of finding feminine styles and ensembles to complement their rather hectic lives. A woman needs to move and shake in one ensemble all day. We provide casual yet stylishly professional pieces to help our girls go from day to dinner. Another bonus: we are by appointment only, which really caters to the shopper and her needs. We brew tea or crack open a bottle of delicious vino, serve a few refreshments, and turn on a little music, and BAM…it’s a party! Our girls love how personalized their shopping experience is. Not only will you find fabulous ensembles at DeAnna’s Style Haus, but you will also find fab handbags, jewelry, shoes, scarves, accessories of every kind, and serious retail therapy! We offer a unique shopping experience for today’s women on the go! Private Shopping Parties Wardrobe Consultations Trunk Shows Tea Parties, and More.
Personal Shopper, Wardrobe Stylist, and Image Consultant helping business women over 40 dress for their brand, budget, and body shape.

Skills Summary:

DeAnna's Style Haus began as an idea to transform the way women shop. Many retailers do not focus on the shopping experience but more so the buying experience. We started out in a converted solarium in DeAnna's home. Staying true to the concept of personalized, and private shopping in a "style haus" we have flourished into a gorgeous petite boutique inside of a converted studio apartment nestled in a Belmont Shore neighborhood. Shoppers can feel safe shopping and dressing up as our "haus" is a sacred haven for hospitality, fun, girl time, positive energy, and love.