Denise Foy


Chicago - United States
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Key Skills:Branding image and online presence services
Country:United States
State / Province:Illinois
Zip/Postal Code:60618
Street Address:4045 N Rockwell St, Chicago, IL 60618
Company Name:De La Foye Design Studio
Contact Person:Denise
Work Phone:(312) 796-8337

We craft your brand image and online presence to magnetically attract the right clients so you can establish trust and credibility with your market, ultimately landing more sales and earning more money.

Skills Summary:

Denise has had a passion for computers and design for the past 23 years. She started building websites from scratch back in 1996 using HTML coding, and was often called upon to help fix or enhance computers. But it wasn't until her trip to Bali in 2013 that she realized she could help make a difference for small businesses. As the story goes, while she was visiting Seminyak, her brother mentioned he had a friend who owned a restaurant there. He gave her the name, but when she tried to find it online, she couldn't. After given the address, and a short cab ride later, she met Aaron, the proud owner of Scratch. She had a week at the end of her trip where she didn't have any solid plans, so she offered to spend her last week setting Scratch up online. Long story short, Scratch went from a low daily customer base, to reservations only within three months. She couldn't be more proud of Aaron's successes, and she is excited to help other small business owners with theirs.

Employment History:

Denise has been working in IT for the past 20+ years, but has always had a passion for creativity and design. She lights up like a firefly when talking about design... whether it's designing a website or a bathroom, she's eager to help and bring some ideas to the table. You'll see. Contact her now!