Ellis Meng Meng


North Hollywood - United States
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Key Skills:A Chinese director and actress
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:North Hollywood
Zip/Postal Code:91605
Street Address:11432 Blythe St, North Hollywood, CA
Language:English, Mandarin, Cantonese
Age Range:25-30
Height Range:5’2” / 157cm
Hair Color:Black
Artist Contract:Non-Union
Contact Person:Ellis Meng Meng
Work Phone:415-987-3253

Ellis Meng Meng is a Chinese director and actress. She started her career in Hong Kong as a professional dancer. Later on, she moved to Los Angeles to learn filmmaking and acting. She has made and starred in several short films as well as new media projects. She has been a working actress for a few years and has a major part in an upcoming feature film by American director Vincent Carubia.
Ellis Meng Meng was nominated for Best Actress and Audience Choice Best Actress at the 1st San Francisco Asian Students Microfilm Festival for her performance in Whisper of Butterflies, which became a big hit on Chinese social media and online video-sharing websites such as YouKu.
Ellis Meng Meng started pursuing acting in 2012. She is trained in the renowned Playhouse West Acting School in the Meisner technique. See resume for her acting experience.

Skills Summary:

Mandarin, Cantonese, Chinese traditional dance (fan and silk)

Employment History:

Actress, Model, Dancer

Education & Training:

TRAINING (partial list)
Actors Creative Workshop Commercial Technique Inst. Chris Game
Playhouse West Improvisation Inst. Jim Nieb
Playhouse West Meisner Technique Inst. Wolfgang Bodison
Debbie Reynold Dance Studio Hip-Hop Heels, Burlesque Jazz Inst. Andie J, Delandis
Sheila Kelly S Factor Pole Dance, Lap Dance Inst. Kim Bell, Janelle Mara
Academy of Art University Advance Movement Inst. Constance Newman
Hong Kong Baptist University Modern, Chacha, Jive, Waltz Inst. Daniel Yeung
Billy Chan Dance Concept Hip-Hop, Jazz Funk Inst. Billy Chan


FILM AND TELEVISION (partial list)
Spring Festival (Pre-Production) Anna, Lead Dir. Ellis Meng Meng
Sophia Mom, Lead Dir. Laurent Ziliani
Accent Mei, Supporting Dir. Allison McCulloh
Crépuscule Wife, Supporting Dir. Ellis Meng Meng
Blow Cut Mindy, Featured Dir. Bryon Dormandy
Second Nature Aika, Lead Dir. Maral Servat
For Love Dancer Dir. Ashley Ellis
DIL3MMA Bodydouble of the lead Dir. Chloey Zhuo
Ellie Ellie, Lead Dir. Mengqi Chen
Whisper of Butterflies Alexia, Lead Dir. Jia Feng

Dark Side of the Moon Nice Girl Dir. Chris Berube

DANCE (partial list)
Sex Machine Lead Dancer, Choreographer Asif Ahmed
The Real Housewives of Shakespeare Choreographer Ben Medina
The Ex-Girlfriends Live Show Dancer The Ex-Girlfriends
Not Myself Tonight Lead Dancer Cristo Jose Zablah
Perhaps Choreographer Miss Hong Kong
2009 GPA Annual Performance Lead Dancer Graduate Party Assiciation
2007-2009 NYE Countdown Gogo Dancer Kaiyotes Dance Asia
2007-2009 BUDA Annual Performance Lead Dancer BUDA pre-team and team
Perhaps Love Lead Dancer Billy Chan
2006-2008 Joint-U Mass Dance Lead Dancer, Choreographer Joint-U
Requiem For A Dream Secondary Lead Dancer Billy Chan

COMMERCIAL (upon request)

MUSIC VIDEO (upon request)

Awards | Prizes:

Award of Excellence - Women Filmmaker
Best Director
Best Screenplay nominee
Best Picture nominee
Best Actress nominee
Audience Choice Best Actress nominee