EQ Studios


San Diego - United States
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Key Skills:Video and photography studio
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:San Diego
Zip/Postal Code:92113
Street Address:2001 Main St San Diego, CA 92113
Company Name:EQ Studios
Work Phone:(619) 202-7595

EQ Studios is a video and photography studio dedicated to helping artists and media professionals alike by providing a space that allows them to create stunning visual content. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to create in a professional environment that doesn’t limit their creativity but encourages it. Our small but talented staff takes pride in the work they create as well as the service they provide to those entering the studio doors. We want you to feel welcome when you arrive elated when you leave and hopefully inspired.

Employment History:

EQ Studios was created in 2012 as a small project with a few production crew members. Over the years we grew into a full scale production company. Our team is honored to serve the San Diego area, and we will continue to do so with passion and integrity.