Foreword Recording Studio


Los Angeles - United States
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Key Skills:Professional quality sound
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:Los Angeles
Zip/Postal Code:90034
Street Address:3391 Robertson Pl, Los Angeles, CA 90034
Company Name:Foreword Recording Studio
Work Phone:(310) 853-9124

Foreword Studio is proficient in taking a mere song idea or even just a thought on the “sound” you want and turning it into a commercial hit! We feature a Protools HD 3 Accel system, a fully miked drum kit, various guitars and amps, a great bass setup and amp and DI options, a great collection of microphones and outboard preamps and compressors, a few keyboards, and the capability to record anything you would like to bring yourself. For a full gear list visit our website.

Employment History:

The beginning of Foreword Studio took place in a basement in Chicago, IL. As the official start of producing music for bands and artists, Matthew Nelson of the band then known as Gnomeattic developed relationships with his fellow musicians and had taken their recording needs on full force. This was a result of visiting several other studios and being dissapointed in their inability to get the product required on a small budget and limited time. After applying the valuable lessons learned in said studios, Matt took this on determined to get to the point of producing professional recordings on every attempt. After 7 years of working with other artists, (not to mention the many years prior he spent learning and obsessing over getting quality recordings) he is finally at a happy point in which he is ready to take on any project and provide a product that fulfills every artists dreams.