Freehold Theater


Seattle - United States
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Key Skills:Performance Art Theatre
Country:United States
State / Province:Washington
Zip/Postal Code:98104
Street Address:517 Maynard Avenue South Seattle, Washington
Company Name:Freehold Theater

Freehold engages artists of all levels in training and experimentation so that they may become more innovative and heartfelt in generating theatre that has a lasting impact on the community we serve.
Our Vision: We at Freehold believe that theatre should inspire people to embrace the full range of human experience and connect us all more deeply to ourselves and to each other. In order for theatre to accomplish this, it must be truthful, illuminate the unseen, and articulate the unspoken. To realize this potential, there must be a place dedicated to research and experimentation in training and performance for working artists, inspired novices, and willing audiences.

Our Theatre Lab provides a forum for experimentation by professionals, the development of new performance material, and the rediscovery of classics. The Lab enables artists to explore new work – and new ways of working – in order to forge a deeper connection between actor and audience, self and community, life and art.

Our Studio offers a safe place where anyone and everyone can take risks. Freehold’s students are encouraged to move theatre forward—to transform, deepen, and clarify new ways of working. From introductory sessions for the curious to master classes for practicing artists, the Studio offers an extraordinary range of disciplines and styles to help students develop a comprehensive understanding of theatre craft and acting and to develop an artist’s greatest gift—a sense of truth—while developing the means to express this gift specifically and viscerally.