Frocks & Rocks


El Segundo - United States
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Key Skills:The Latest Fashion Trends
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:El Segundo
Zip/Postal Code:90245
Street Address:203 East Grand Avenue El Segundo, CA, 90245
Company Name:Frocks & Rocks
Work Phone:(310) 647-6269

Frocks & Rocks Is Passionate About Delivering The Latest In Fashion Trends At A Competitive Market Value With A Signature Brand Of Style. We Are Committed To Reaching And Styling Each Woman. We Are A Full-Service Boutique, Unique Clothing, Premium Denim, Shoes, Handmade Jewelry, Accessories, And Eyewear; Supporting Small Businesses, Artists, Brand Labels, And Speciality Labels. * The cornerstone of our brand culture is surrounded by the Frocks & Rocks experience. An experience that is branded by the passion for style and the education of style. Our brand culture transcends age and time. The brand influences and encourages women to embrace their feminine beauty, explore their own personal style, and unleash the spirit of graceful confidence. We mark a fashion expression, spoken with style and left with an impression.

Employment History:

Frocks & Rocks, was a dream of mine throughout all my years in the fashion world. The history of the business, began with the simple reality of wanting to be Original. Unique, lifestyle fashion....Frockstyle. Frocks&Rocks mission is to deliver a unique fashion collection, affordable, and the styling experience. The brand Frocks&Rocks values it's reputation on personal touch, personal style and stylist service to bring your personal style to life. My background is both in fashion/corp America as well as makeup/cosmetics...I have a combine 23 years of fashion experience. To round out my education, my mother, was a fashion designer and made custom clothing...all this taught me the science of fit and construction for the human form. All the elements combined with the experience of service... Let us tap into your style, Get Frockstyle!