Gypsy Love Productions


San Francisco - United States
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Key Skills:Uplifting dance music and holistic dance fitness.
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:San Francisco
Zip/Postal Code:94103
Street Address:1731 Buchanan St Ste 1A San Francisco, CA 94103
Company Name:Gypsy Love Productions
Work Phone:(415) 531-7585

Uplifting dance music and holistic dance fitness. Learn beautiful, time-honored Belly Dance techniques enhanced with modern-day choreography, world-fusion music, and colorful accessories. Classes are upbeat and supportive. Hip-scarves & props provided. Beginners are warmly welcome. Join us at weekly Group Classes, or contact us to schedule Private Lessons, Mini-Groups, Event Entertainment, and Onsite Classes at your office.

Skills Summary:

Gypsy Love devotes her life to inspiring love with uplifting music and movement. An acclaimed dance music recording artist and professional Belly Dancer + certified Bellyfit® Holistic Fitness instructor, Gypsy Love creates joyful world-fusion music & dance productions, and teaches Belly Dance classes that promote health, strength, and positive body image. With over 15 years of experience producing, choreographing, directing, and performing, Gypsy Love is an international fan favorite and a celebrated fixture at the Bay Area's most popular live music & world dance venues.