Hard To Find Props


Burbank - United States
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Key Skills:Film, TV Prop Rental
Country:United States
State / Province:California
Zip/Postal Code:91502
Street Address:713 N. Victory Blvd. Unit B Burbank, CA 91502
Company Name:Hard To Find Props
Work Phone:323-719-8491

Rental of antiques and other unique items for Film, TV, and Theatre.
This is a great place to start your search before heading off to the bigger guys, where you can search through tens of thousands of props using up your valuable time. So, take a look at my 700+ items (and still growing). The photos of every item are high resolution. To see the props in person, visit Victory Props, in Burbank, from 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Monday – Friday. The props are in a shared space in the upstairs gallery.

All items are for rental only. NOTHING is for sale.