Ilana Bloch


Culver City - United States
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Key Skills:teacher and professional artist
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:Culver City
Zip/Postal Code:90232
Street Address:3308 Helms Avenue Culver City, CA 90232 USA

Born in Prague and raised in Israel, Ilana has absorbed the atmosphere and temperaments of many cultures.  At the age of twelve, her family moved to Los Angeles where she later attended Cal State University Northridge, receiving her BFA and teaching credentials.

Ilana has over 25 years of experience as a teacher and professional artist.  Her work is exhibited in galleries, cultural art centers, private and corporate collections, and she has been featured in the Los Angeles Times as well as other art publications.

Ilana’s studio has been included on many art tours.  Through her affiliation with the Los Angeles County Museum of Art Rental and Sales Gallery, art consultants, and various art organizations, she is frequently asked to guest lecture and speak about her work.

With a lifelong involvement in the world of Art, Ilana shares her love of art through teaching others.