Jane Kapriss


Los Angeles - United States
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Key Skills:Producer / Actress
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:Los Angeles
Zip/Postal Code:91604
Language:English, Russian, Ukrainian, French
Age Range:25-30
Height Range:5’6” / 168cm
Hair Color:Blonde
Artist Contract:Non-Union

Ukrainian Actress and producer who started working in Film & Television at an early age. Her career started with modeling after winning the Ukrainian National Beauty pageant which led to Miss Teen World and Miss Teen International.

After acting in multiple films and theatre shows, Jane found a passion for producing which resulted in producing a feature film that got theatrical distribution.

Jane holds many national and international awards for acting, modeling, dancing, and playing the piano. She now resides in the United States where she`s been doing different projects for the last few years.

Skills Summary:

Eastern European accent, Russian accent, dancing (7 years training), figure skating (5 years training), playing the piano (8 years training), fencing and stage combat (1 year training). Final cut pro. Producer/Director. MFA in Filmmaking. 1st Assistant Director on over 30 projects. Movie magic scheduling & budgeting. Visited 30 countries. Fluent in Russian and Ukrainian.

Education & Training:

New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts/ School for Film & Television
Acting - Ruth Nerken, Neal Lerner
Meisner - John Tyrell
Scene study - Rawleigh Moreland, Becky London, Alan Rackham
Voice and Speech - Eileen Connolly
Daytime drama - Alison Rinzel
Improv - Judith Searcy


Film and TV:
Mac Daddy`s Vegas Adventure | supporting | Novell Production
Mac Daddy & The Lovers | supporting | Novell Production
Leading Lady | lead | Athelstan Production, dir. George Snow
Hand for luck | lead | Zebra Production
Psycho-Path | supporting | DGW Films Inc, dir. Geraldine Winters
Youth Paradise(short) | lead | dir. Gabriela Guerra
Family(short) | lead | dir. Michael Pabon
15+ short films - list available upon request

The Dark Side Of The Moon | dir. Chris Berube, Next Stage Theatre, LA
Something Outrageous | lead | dir. Latrey Evans, 45th Street Theatre, NY
A Servant of Two Masters | lead | dir. Mykola Yaremkiv, UA
Jonathan Livingston Seagull | supporting | dir. Arthur Artimeniev, UA

Awards | Prizes:

Multiple international awards for acting, modeling, dancing and playing the piano. Multiple screenings at international film festivals as Director/Producer.