Jessica George


Atlanta - United States
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Key Skills:Voice over artists and studio
Country:United States
State / Province:Georgia
Company Name:The Voiceover Dynamic Duo

From Breath to Death – I can do a ton of voices for you. 37 years doing Commercials, Animation/Cartoons, Voice Matching, Narrations, Imaging, and Promos. My voice is upbeat and soothing. A fun mom. Sassy. Great friend. Someone who people like to listen to. Convincing. Witches, Goblins, Elves…Gamers and Anime fans…you might recognize some characters. My range is very flexible and I aim to make your words jump off the page.

The Voiceover Dynamic Duo is comprised of Voiceover Artists GRANT GEORGE & JESSICA GEE-GEORGE: A Real Husband and Wife Voiceover team providing VO for:

  • Radio and Television Commercials
  • Cartoons, Animation, Anime
  • Promos, Narrations, Industrial
  • Trailers Voice Casting, Voice Directing for Loop Groups
  • Walla and ADR, Interactive Toys
  • Video Games, Political Advertising, Male Voiceover, Female Voiceover
  • In-Flight Advertising, Audio Books, Voice Matching, Languages
  • IVR, Product Videos, Radio Imaging, Podcasts, Gaming
  • On-Hold Services, Web, Medical Voiceovers, e-Learning
  • Hosts of the hysterically funny YouTube Channel “You Called Us!”.
Skills Summary:

A voice that invites you to listen. Conversational, Warm, sweet, sassy, sophisticated, fun mom, one up wife, convincing, elegant, jump of the page, mimic, thousands of characters for your fun spots.

Awards | Prizes:

Known Husband and Wife VO Team (The Voiceover Dynamic Duo) and now with The Boy Wonders - our two sons who are both excited to be booking jobs - Watch us on VO Buzz Weekly!