John Windsor-Cunningham
CATEGORY: Acting Coaching
New York - United States
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John Windsor-Cunningham

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Key Skills: | Coaching actors privately in New York and on Skype. |
Country: | United States |
State / Province: | New York |
City: | New York |
Zip/Postal Code: | 10001 |
Company Name: | New York Acting Coach |
Contact Person: | John Windsor-Cunningham |
Work Phone: | (347) 633-0398 |
Website: | http://windsor-cunningham.com/ |
Facebook: | https://www.facebook.com/JohnWindsorCunninghamActingCoach?fref=ts |
X: | https://twitter.com/britishactor |
YouTube: | https://www.youtube.com/@NewYorkActingCoach |
John Windsor-Cunningham coaches actors privately in New York and on Skype. London’s National Theater education department remarked that John’s coaching is “second to none in the world”. He’s worked with every major theater company in the UK and several in the USA, where he now resides. He also teaches people all around the world how to have a good British or American accent — even people who are not actors. People from Mexico, Australia, China, and Turkey have worked with John on their accents.
Shannon O’Dowd
Los Angeles
United States
On-camera coach | Media Career Counselor