Kalee Hewlett


Los Angeles - United States
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Key Skills:Fashion and Image Consultants
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:Los Angeles
Zip/Postal Code:90291
Contact Person:Kalee Hewlett

Start dressing like the person you want to be and the success you desire will follow! Whatever your situation, Kalee has you covered. If you’re looking for a confidence boost, an image revamp, or need help with finding that all-important perfect outfit, Kalee wants to help! Styling Services Available Style Consultation – Discover what styles suit you and compliment your skin tone, hair and eye color, and body type. Color Analysis – Receive a full-color report detailing the colors that work uniquely for you and give you the ‘wow’ factor, making you stand out in a crowd for all the right reasons. Wardrobe Overhaul – Give your closet a makeover eliminate what is no longer working for you and save yourself heaps of time and money on future shopping trips. Personal Shopping Experience – Receive a bespoke shopping list targeted to your needs and a tailor-made shopping experience. You will have new looks styled uniquely for you and your goals. Walk away with new purchases that make you look and feel better than ever before and are perfectly suited to your lifestyle. The Full Transformation Package – This provides the ultimate transformation by combining the one-on-one style consultation with the wardrobe overhaul service and the personal shopping day experience. This all-inclusive package doesn’t leave any stone unturned and is designed to aid you with a seasonal shopping plan tailored to your annual goals. It Takes Just 7 Seconds To Make A First Impression!