Katie Patterson


Burbank - United States
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Key Skills:Acting, Singing, Comedy, Voice Over, Dance
Country:United States
State / Province:California
Zip/Postal Code:91504
Age Range:18-24
Height Range:5’3” / 160cm
Hair Color:Brown
Artist Contract:Union
Work Phone:512-925-7914

Katie Patterson was born in Dallas, TX to Ron and Susanne Patterson. As a military family, they traveled all around the U.S. exposing Katie to many interesting people and places. Katie officially got the acting bug at the age of 10 in Davis, California, after seeing a community theatre production of The Music Man. After that, Katie started to audition for and perform in community theatre shows wherever she lived (including Peter Pan, Anne of Green Gables, Alice in Wonderland, Fiddler on the Roof, Zombie Prom, Beauty and the Beast, Midsummer Night’s Dream and Cats).

At 18, after her father retired from the military and her family settled down in Austin, TX, Katie became intrigued with the art of film acting and signed on with Calliope Talent Agency in San Antonio. It was something new to her and she was ready to try another form of acting.

After a few commercial projects, she wrapped her first feature film in November 2010, Butcher Boys, screenplay by Kim Henkle (Texas Chainsaw Massacre), and directed by Duane Graves and Justin Meeks (Wild Man of the Navidad).

Katie continued to pursue the art of film acting as well as theatre. After her last final exam at Austin Community College (ACC), she decided to take the spring semester to try to find a conservatory for theatre and film. In 2011, Katie left Texas for New York City, and studied film acting at the New York Film Academy (NYFA). She completed her second year of film acting in Los Angeles, graduating from NYFA with an Associate degree in Fine Arts.

Katie continues to live and work in Los Angeles, California. Currently, she is filming several short films and at the end of the year, you can hear her as the voices of Apple Blossom and Screwball in the YouTube audio drama “Daughter of Discord”.


Skills Summary:

Acting: The Lyndon Technique - Privates w/Amy Lyndon, Ryan Welsh, Ken Lerner, Mona Lee (TX), Paul Warner (NYC)
Comedy: George McGrath
Voice Over: Julie Maddalena - Animation
Commercials: Judy Kain
Singing: Pop, Country, Musicals (w/Suzi Stern)
Dance: Ballet, Jazz
Sports: Ice Hockey, Ice Skating, Roller Blading, Archery, Swimming
Additional: Southern & Texan Dialects


Shine On! - Lead (Dir: Santiago Claver)
Coal Hearts - Lead (Dir: Vilma Valladares)
The Land of Oz - Lead (Dir: Kenneth Mader)
Outta CTRL - Supporting (Dir: Roe Moore)
Anger Management - Supporting (Dir: Steven Torres)
Butcher Boys - Supporting (Dir: Duane Graves)
Citizen K-9 - Supporting (Dir: Susan Lee)
Annabelle - Day Player (Dir: Nekhia Taylor)
Unsolicited - Day Player (Dir: Gabriela Anez)

Gym Rats (Pilot) - Series Lead (WEB SERIES/Alli McLaren)
Dead Cat Café (9 Episodes) - Series Lead (WEB SERIES/Josh Buono)
Video Game High School - Recurring (YOUTUBE/Various)
Monster Therapy - Guest Star (WEB SERIES/Jordan Imiola)
Kung Fu Femmes Part 9 - Guest Star (INTERNET/Tony Laudati)