LIFT Society


Hollywood - United States
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Key Skills:semi-private training gym
Country:United States
State / Province:California
Zip/Postal Code:90046
Street Address:7300 W Sunset Blvd Hollywood, CA 90046
Company Name:LIFT Society
Work Phone:(323) 366-2019

Lift Society is the only boutique lifting gym where the focus is aesthetics. We are a semi-private training gym where class sizes range from 6-8 people per class. Our trainers are selected for their dedication, expertise, and their constant drive to learn more in order to give our clients the best coaching available. At LIFT Society you build muscle, increase metabolism, and create a toned and defined physique. We run a six-week strength cycle with a focus on consistency and periodization as well as variety so that your workouts are effective but never boring. In light of the new COVID-19 safety regulations, there is no sharing of equipment and every client gets their own lifting rack, dumbbells, and kettlebells for the entirety of each class.