Lisa Merkle Design


Beverly Hills - United States
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Key Skills:Elevate your lifestyle with our interior design
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:Beverly Hills
Zip/Postal Code:90210
Company Name:Lisa Merkle Design
Work Phone:(323) 745-2205

We offer classic, modern, luxurious interior design services. We are an editorial level, expert, top-ranked, professional, highly experienced Los Angeles/Beverly Hills-based design firm proudly serving numerous celebrities, contemporaries, real estate professionals, homeowners, and investors alike for over 15 years -in the Los Angeles area and all over the United States and World. Our work has honorably been featured in Architectural Digest, HG Magazine, Elle Decor, Traditional Home, and Angeleno Magazine. Please let us know how we can be of assistance to help save your valuable time and achieve superior results for your investment! We are here to help you build the home or business of your dreams- and you love everything! Design choices and challenges are overwhelming. We are highly trained professionals whose strategy is to utilize budget wisely, save expensive errors, and create superb home and work environments for you, your family, friends clients, and your brand! We love to collaborate with our clients to ensure superior results for their applications. Curated, high quality, on-trend and overall best design- offering trusted/preferred craftsmen, artisans, and vendors for your project needs. We look forward to the opportunity to serve you, saving you valuable time and creating superior results, and look forward to hearing about your project needs. Lisa Merkle Design, LLC Modern Luxury Expert Interior Design Services.