

Huntington Beach - United States
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Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:Huntington Beach
Zip/Postal Code:92647
Street Address:7521 Edinger Ave, Huntington Beach, CA 92647
Company Name:MagicIAN
Work Phone:(714) 471-4472

We specialize in making corporate events, house parties, and school functions a great success with Vegas-style magic. If you want your employees, friends, or students to be thanking you for having your event then booking magicIAN is a surefire way to make an event fantastic. Bring a taste of Las Vegas to your event by booking him. In the finale of the show, he levitates and magically changes doves into a snake. Feel free to take a picture with magicIAN and all of his live animals at the end of the show as well. A new office opened in Bella Terra Mall for meetings or consultations about an event or ongoing performances at a venue. By appointment only. Please call for availability at your event.

Employment History:

magicIAN has been a master of magic for over 10 years and officially started doing magic shows professionally at the tender age of 14. Ever since watching Lance Burton floating in a corvette he has wanted to perform magic. He began performing at the Magic Castle in Hollywood at the age of 15 with his mind reading show and then began performing his grand scale illusion show with live animals in the Palace of Mystery at The Magic Castle. He was featured in the award winning film, "Make Believe" in 2010 and currently tours Southern California and Las Vegas with his show. MagicIAN specializes in performing for corporate events, school's, theatrical venues, and upscale birthday parties in Los Angeles, Riverside, Orange County, and Las Vegas. His availability is tight so book him while you can.