Manhattan Actor Studio


Manhattan Beach - United States
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Key Skills:Actor Studio, Acting
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:Manhattan Beach
Zip/Postal Code:90266
Street Address:2309 N Sepulveda Blvd, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
Company Name:Manhattan Actor Studio
Contact Person:Billy Gallo
Work Phone:(323) 854-1107

The Manhattan Actor Studio was created in association with Brooklyn Bridge Productions as a safe and positive space for actors, writers, directors, and producers of all levels to develop and work on their craft. Not only is it an acting studio, it is also a full-service production office. Our goal is to give individuals with a desire to work in the entertainment industry the confidence, resources, and tools they need to make their dreams a reality.

Skills Summary:

I have been blessed to be a working actor, producer and writer in Hollywood for over 30 years. I have worked alongside Academy Award winners and some of the biggest talents is the industry. I am living the dream. Now I get to help other artists achieve their dreams. Whether you are an actor, writer, director or producer, I truly believe it's never too late to follow your dreams!

Employment History:

The business of acting can be confusing and tricky. I have been a working actor for more than 30 years and have been through the ups and downs of show business. I am also a writer and producer and have been on the other side of the casting table so I know what is going to make you stand out from other actors. I am more than just an acting coach, I am a mentor. I will guide you through the acting business so you can avoid some of the pitfalls and teach you the skills you need to ultimately book the job.