Marie Walburg


San Francisco - United States
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Key Skills:Performer / Dancer / Intuitive Mover / Teacher
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:San Francisco
Zip/Postal Code:94112
Company Name:Marie Walburg

I’m available for dance, theater, and yoga classes, for private students or groups. I’m working with kids in different schools around the city but also with adults at Petits Pas Studio. In a fun and safe environment, and through movement exercises, improvisation scenarios, and yoga stretches, I help people connect to their inner state and get a release from their tensions.

Skills Summary:

I have been on stage as an actress for 10 years and a teacher of dance and theater for 8 years now. In all the different classes I'm offering, I'm mixing the knowledge of my different styles of training to always bring fun, safety, and connection to my students.