Melissa Rosado


New York - United States
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Key Skills:Internationally acclaimed dancer
Country:United States
State / Province:New York
City:New York
Zip/Postal Code:10019
Company Name:Melissa Rosado Latin Dance Instruction
Contact Person:Melissa Rosado
Work Phone:347.739.2076

Internationally acclaimed dancer Melissa Rosado, AKA “The Mambo Princess”, is one of the top international instructors and performers of NY Style Mambo “On 2.” She is an energetic and charismatic dancer who is known all around the world for her unique, sexy styling and body movement on and off the dance floor, powerful stage presence, and passionate love for teaching. In addition, her humble attitude and welcoming personality are what make her popular amongst the Mambo community today. She has an ability to effortlessly follow any lead and is known to be one of the best examples and instructors of the Eddie Torres technique. Melissa is one of the most sought-after instructors, coaches, and choreographers worldwide for many dance schools, teams, and couples. Many students from all over the world come to NY just to train with Melissa…

Skills Summary:

Melissa Rosado is an international instructor, performer and choreographer and has been dancing since the age of 5. After training under the one and only Mambo KIng Eddie Torres, Melissa embarked on her solo career in 2009 and has traveled the world ever since. Currently, she teaches in her hometown in NYC area. She has 3 training performance teams- a mini children's company, a ladies team, and couple team. Some of the many venues she has performed at with the Eddie Torres Latin Dance Company include Madison Square Garden, Lincoln Center, Apollo Theater, and Manhattan Center. Some of her television appearances include a promotional commercial for Univision (Channel 41) with merengue celebrity Millie Quezada, as well as a video production of "Oye Como Va" with legendary salsa singer Celia Cruz. In 2006, as part of the Eddie Torres Dance Company, she was featured in the CW's segment on Hispanic Heritage Celebration. In late 2011, Melissa acted as a consultant for the New York Post.