Molten Metal Works


Los Angeles - United States
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Key Skills:We teach welding and offer metal shop access
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:Los Angeles
Zip/Postal Code:91204
Street Address:3617 San Fernando Rd, Los Angeles, CA 91204
Company Name:Molten Metal Works
Work Phone:(323) 333-9952

We teach welding and offer metal shop access to the community of Los Angeles. No pipefitting or i-beams here; we offer welding classes for YOUR life, with quick skill-based classes for MIG, TIG, and Oxyacetylene and longer project-based classes in furniture making, sculpture, chandeliers, and mobiles. We aren’t the best welders in the world, but we’re damn good teachers, and we’re way more patient than your 7th-grade shop teacher. Click the link to MMW and see the class schedule. Ages 14 and up. No certification or testing.

We’ve introduced over 4000 people to the joys of working in metal and whether they’ve come to learn for fun or work, there’s a whole world of metal to melt. The business has expanded twice and now we’re up to four teachers teaching classes 7 days/week and 4500′ of metal shop space filled with tools, steel, and know-how.