Najla Hawaii


Seattle - United States
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Key Skills:dance
Country:United States
State / Province:Washington
Zip/Postal Code:98107
Company Name:Najla Hawaii Belly Dancer
Contact Person:Najla Hawaii
Work Phone:(808) 895-5741

With over a decade of experience performing at private parties, Najla will liven up any event. By the end of the performance, most of the room will be up dancing! She is available for solo or group performances at birthday parties, weddings, and other events. Najla’s passionate and graceful style has made her a favorite performer of Oriental and Hula Dance in the Seattle area and abroad. She is known for her natural and precise technique, unique choreography, and playful attitude. She is the Artistic Director of the award-winning Fleurs d’Egypte Dance Company. Her experience spans twelve countries and over a decade. She was also selected to tour with the Belly Dance Superstars.

Skills Summary:

Najla's love and fascination with oriental dance began in her mid-teens. As a child she studied ballet, tap and jazz. After her first belly dance class she was instantly hooked. Within two years she began dancing at nightclubs and private events in the Seattle area. She used her skills to dance and travel in Greece and England. In 2004 she traveled to Egypt and spent six weeks studying authentic Egyptian dance. There Najla attended performances of the top dancers and got a feel for the Egyptian style belly dance hotel show. She trained intensively with renowned choreographer, Raqia Hassan. After returning from Egypt Najla began performing at five star hotels in the Caribbean. In 2005 she moved to Paris, France and soon had a tightly booked schedule. She performed frequently at the top restaurants and nightclubs including Au Pied De Chameau. She later completed perfomance contracts in China and Turkey. Today Najla directs Seattle's award winning Fleurs d'Egypte Dance Company.