Rainbow Video


New York - United States
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Key Skills:Full-service video
Country:United States
State / Province:New York
City:New York
Zip/Postal Code:10001
Street Address:333 Seventh Avenue New York, N.Y. 10001 10th Floor
Company Name:Rainbow Video
Work Phone:(212) 594-0545

Full-service video transfers from any format to DVD or files. We provide fast and reliable DVD duplication, DVD authoring, DVD replication, film transfer, and videotape duplication services to demanding television and video clientele in New York City and throughout the United States. Transfer VHS to DVD or files.

Employment History:

Established in 1986 - The Rainbow management team, with a total of 40 years experience in the entertainment, film, and videotape fields, is dedicated to solving their customers' communication problems through the media of video. We've been serving the New York City area since 1986 providing top notch quality in each job performed with the best customer service in NYC!