Ross Vincent Design


West Hollywood - United States
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Key Skills:Interior Designers & Consultants
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:West Hollywood
Zip/Postal Code:90046
Company Name:Ross Vincent Design
Contact Person:Ross Vincent
Work Phone:(310) 499-3046

We are an Interior Design Firm in Los Angeles. We design kitchens and bathrooms and Design anything from large-scale projects to small decorating projects. We also buy and sell furniture and accessories for the home.

Employment History:

With over 12 years experience, Ross launched his career working for world renowned Interior Designers such as Meridith Baer and owned his first and second BoConcept brand Interior Design furniture stores. After his relocation to Los Angeles from San Diego, Ross started his own Interior Design business. Recognized for his versatile and uniquely creative design eye, Ross has won multiple interior design awards and has been recognized on television such as Fox news, KTLA, and the WB. Ross has also been featured in numerous magazines and national press such as San Diego Home and Garden, 944, Riviera and Angelino Interiors. Ross has a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and Interior Design from the University of Washington.