Ryan Roberts


Los Angeles - United States
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Key Skills:Mens and womenswear designer
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:Los Angeles
Zip/Postal Code:90014
Street Address:824 S Los Angeles St Ste 203 Los Angeles, CA 90014
Company Name:Ryan Roberts Design
Contact Person:Ryan Roberts
Work Phone: (213) 746-7911

Quiet confidence is as much a part of Ryan Roberts’ minimalist designs as it is a part of his persona.
With over 30 years of exceptional experience, Ryan has culminated his love of simple elegance to create a minimalist clothing brand worthy of distinction.
“My minimalist fashions for men and women were created to bring simplicity to their everyday lives. I love the idea that my clients can start their day by selecting any one of my designs and know they’ll look great.”
Hailed as Toronto’s “Menswear Designer Of The Year”, Ryan’s inspired designs evoke the qualities of both prestige and ease–the trademarks of luxury minimalist fashion.
Honored for his creative vision as a senior designer at Lida Baday, Ryan launched his own label in 1996. Success came quickly, as did global recognition. Ryan’s client list soon grew to include the likes of Paul McCartney and Sheryl Sandberg, as well as those who eagerly seek out luxury style matched with a clean, classic, wearable aesthetic.

Skills Summary:

Our luxury minimalist sportswear, knitwear and travel wear strike the ideal balance between fashion and function. Elegant, practical, versatile, our designs offer simplicity at its finest with exceptional attention to detail.