Scott Henderson


Tampa - United States
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Key Skills:DP, camera op, Avid editor, gaffer, audio op.
Country:United States
State / Province:Florida
Zip/Postal Code:33629
Street Address:2218 south occident st
Company Name:Scott Henderson Productions
Contact Person:Scott Henderson
Work Phone:585-469-6520

Scott Henderson, DP Tampa, FL.

Experienced DP with a wide range of experience. Currently working as an owner/operator of the Panasonic Varicam 35 with a Canon 17×120 4K rate zoom lens supported with 2 Astra bi color light panels, an Helio D12, Dedos, Kinos, silks, 2 GoPro Hero Blacks, and a 2nd camera, the Panasonic AJ PX270. I have shot a wide expanse of shows, including indie films, TV pilots, documentaries, politicals, commercials, and corporate presentations.

Employment History:

1985-current Freelance DP for multiple clients; including NBC Nightly News, CBS, ABC, Weather Channel, BBDO Energy out of Chicago, Indie films and TV series for LBYL out of New York City, international documentary shoot with Georgina Carnegie out of Sidney Australia, including a 2nd doc for APEC, corporate work including Carestream Health, Graham Packaging, B&L, Kodak, and political commercials for the NYS Republican Party.

Education & Training:

Graduate of Boston University in Communications