Stacy Rosas
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Stacy Rosas
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Country: | United States |
State / Province: | California |
City: | Los Angeles |
Zip/Postal Code: | 90019 |
Contact Person: | Stacy Rosas |
Work Phone: | 713-367-4966 |
Website: | https://www.makeupstacyrosas.com/ |
I specialize in makeup for all parts of the industry. Fashion/TV/Film/Editorial/Special FX/Body painting. – glamour, commercial makeup, face painting, wedding makeup, eyelash application, hair styling, beauty makeup, pageant makeup, headshots, special events.
Skills Summary:I'm a very passionate person and only do what I love. I enjoy making people feel amazing. With makeup/hair it allows me to do just that. I enhance beauty. |
Employment History:Year after year of working makeup gigs, I was recommended by word of mouth. I now work with Warner Bros, the Tennis Channel, and Miley Cyrus sister, Brandi Cyrus to name a few. |