Style By Dani


Salt Lake City - United States
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Key Skills:Personal Styling and Image Management
Country:United States
State / Province:Utah
City:Salt Lake City
Company Name:Style By Dani
Contact Person:DANI SLAUGH
Work Phone:385.229.6297
View Events Label:Yes

Personal Styling and Image Management – fun, demonstrative teaching in seminars & workshops – closet organization & evaluation – color consultations & parties – clothing fit assessment with detailed recommendations – lifestyle & personal style evaluation – personal shopping Instead of applying a cookie cutter method to personal styling, I treat each client as the individual he/she is. I use a timeless approach, proven effective through 30 years of experience, that is not limited to the current trends, but based on my client’s specific roles and goals, personal style, lifestyle, personal coloring, and figure variation.

Employment History:

After witnessing many people fall victim to either trends that made them appear too young and silly or systems that pigeon holed them into designated categories. I decided to find a better way. After plenty of research on the topic, I enrolled in an Image Management Education Program, found a wonderful mentor in Judith Rasband AIC CIM, and was on my way. I have since become a licensed Conselle affiliate, built a quality list of clients, spoken to many groups, and hosted educational workshops with great results. My newest endeavor will be teaching Closetology 101 to students at the University of Utah in 2015.