SW Parra


Fresno - United States
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Key Skills:An experienced graphic designer and illustrator
Country:United States
State / Province:California
Zip/Postal Code:93711
Contact Person:SW Parra

Provides Caricatures for private parties like birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, and other live events. Provides graphic design visual content for print and web media.

Skills Summary:

SW Parra is the premiere Caricature Artist serving the Central San Joaquin Valley & Central Coast: Fresno, Madera, Merced, Monterey, Kings, Kern, San Luis Obispo & Stanislaus counties.
An experienced graphic designer and illustrator, SW Parra has built an award-winning career in visual communication & journalism with McClatchy News. Accuracy, intellectual fairness & the ability to inform are long standing hallmarks of his creative works.

Employment History:

SW Parra has more than 25 years of professional experience in graphic design, illustration, cartooning and caricatures. This is the go to artist in the San Joaquin Valley and Central Coast.