Teen Actor’s Lab


Los Angeles - United States
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Key Skills:acting classes
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:Los Angeles
Zip/Postal Code:90291
Street Address:303 Brooks Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90291
Company Name:Teen Actor's Lab
Contact Person:Sarah
Work Phone:(310) 428-7055

Audition Coaching – Get help preparing for your auditions! Go into the room with the confidence, technique, and choices that will land jobs. Self-Taped Audition – Highest quality videotaping service for self-submitting projects. College Audition Coaching – Get help with your songs and monologues as well as specialized counseling/school planning On-Set Prep – Did you book it? We’ll help make sure you go to set prepared! Private Acting Session/Packages – Get specialized, one-on-one attention in scene, monologue, and audition work. Skype Coaching – Unable to coach in person? Schedule a video session or sign up for ongoing coaching and get coached from anywhere! (Ongoing coaching available by application only.) Career Consultation – Specially tailored advice on agents and managers, casting directors, headshots, auditions, training & more. Career Coaching – Realize your dreams with strategic goal setting and a creative marketing plan. On-Set Coaching / Performance Consulting to television networks and film studios. Classes/Workshops [currently on pause] – Scene study intensives, college audition workshops, and cold reading.