The Boudoir Cafe


Los Angeles - United States
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Key Skills:Art of Boudoir photography.
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:Los Angeles
Zip/Postal Code:89109
Company Name:The Boudoir Cafe
Work Phone:(725) 777-3600

The Boudoir CafĆ© specializes in the Art of Boudoir photography. We not only take amazing images of our clients but also make them feel sexy and beautiful along with the photo shoot!! Priceless…We are obsessed with photographers trying to always make the most amazing images EVER! Cherie, Hedley, Lara & Teresa the lead photographers, and their teams work to make award-winning images every time! Every woman that comes through our doors will leave a new woman owning her womanhood, feeling sexier and really fabulous about themselves! Be sure to book something super fun after the shoot!! You will want to go out somewhere fabulous ~ trust me… We love what we do and have the best team in LA, LV & SF from Makeup to Posing you have found the top guns in the industry. Nikon endorsed us as some of the best Boudoir photographers in the country and Huffington Post put us in the top 5 list!! Looking forward to making some serious artwork out of you!!!