The Makeup Academy


New York - United States
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Key Skills:Makeup Academy
Country:United States
State / Province:New York
City:New York
Zip/Postal Code:10018
Street Address:545 8th Ave, Ste 1015, New York, NY 10018
Company Name:The Makeup Academy
Work Phone: 332-334-8848

Classes are designed for beginning / amateur stylists, and will teach you the fundamentals of the craft. The classes highlight quick and powerful ways to start your career. From the basics to advanced techniques, insider secrets, the importance of the consultation, expert techniques, insider tips, and how to market your services to brides and others. Classes are limited to a maximum of 6 people, ensuring individual attention. A great start for the beginning stylist!

Employment History:

Founded in 2013, Nina Mua has a highly motivated team compiled of passionate makeup artists and hairstyling professionals. Our goal is to guide you into the best program for your needs. We cater to aspiring makeup artists from all over the World.

Education & Training:

I studied in Jacques Dessange School, Moscow.
During my time in School and after my graduation I was associated with renowned top models and fashion designers. I was involved in different fashion show events in Moscow and New York.
But no matter how much knowledge and experience do you have, I believe that you always have to learn new things and improve your skills. As a stylist I try to follow new fashion trends. But at the same time, I never blindly impose on people my ideas and experiments in modern fashion. I always cooperate with my client. My goal is to create her personal style according to their inside world and their self-expression. It is always a pleasure for me to help people feel confident and satisfied about their look.