True Grip


Los Angeles - United States
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Key Skills:Grip & Electric Rentals
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:Los Angeles
Zip/Postal Code:90031
Company Name:True Grip
Contact Person:Doug Sampson and Colten Currey

True Grip Specializes in renting Grip and Lighting equipment for Film, Video, and Photography. 4-ton grip and lighting truck delivered directly to the set. smaller packages are available 4 ton grip and lighting truck w/specialty items including car rigging specialty lighting talented, experienced, safe, and reliable check us out!

Employment History:

True Grip started its roots in Phoenix Arizona in 2011 with co-founders Colten Currey and Doug Sampson. In 2013 Doug and Colten decided to move the business to Los Angeles, CA where we have been serving industry professionals for almost two years now on everything from movies and commercials to photo shoots and music videos. True Grip has grown rapidly since its humble beginnings and we are proud to continue serving industry professionals for many more years to come.